Photo from original farm plot in Frankfort, IL (August 2021)

About Me

Avery’s Flower Farm was born in 2021 after a long year spent at home when COVID 19 hit in 2020. I was home with my 2 little boys, an almost 2 year old and a 6 month old, and my husband was working from home in the basement. One morning searching for something I could do for myself amidst the craziness, I picked up an old packet of seeds, called my mom to take a trip to Menards, and started those little seeds in my kitchen windowsill.

Checking on those little seeds every morning during a hard time was life giving. Those seeds represented hope for warm weather, growth, and future beauty for me. Over the summer, I experienced deep joy planting those seeds out in the yard, watching them grow, and cutting flowers to bring inside my home. Later in the summer when my friend asked if I’d help do the flowers for her baby shower, I started researching the availability of locally grown flowers in the area to supplement what I had in my backyard, and I came up pretty empty handed. I drove about an hour south for a private you-pick session at a local flower farm and knew that I had to do something of my own closer to home.

That winter, I spent a lot of time researching small scale flower farming and decided to take the plunge into making my flower farm dream a reality. I quickly found that there was a lot to learn about growing flowers, so I signed up for the Floret Workshop and joined the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers. I have found the flower community to be supportive, inspiring, and collaborative which I am so grateful for.

We welcomed a little girl to our family just as my first season began in June 2021. I grew flowers for two seasons in Southwest Chicago before we were relocated to the Houston area for my husband’s job in fall of 2022. When we moved, we found a property with lots of land for our family to enjoy and have lots of space for flowers. I am deep in the trenches of building beds, planting seeds, learning a whole new growing season, and figuring out how to farm with lots and lots of deer.

I'm excited to share my passion for flowers with you and take you on my journey!


